What We Believe
We warmly welcome visitors of all backgrounds to join us to worship God.
Gospel - The gospel is at the heart of everything we do at Resurrection. It is the good news that Jesus has paid for the guilt of all our sins and purchased eternal life for us." I think the redundancy is fine in this case.
Community - God’s reconciling work brings us into communion with him, and gives new and significant meaning to our relationships with one another. Our church family enjoys active and loving fellowship with each other, and extends a warm welcome to all those who come through our church’s doors.
Mission -At home and abroad, people need Jesus. Resurrection Presbyterian Church is enthusiastic about spreading the good news of God’s grace both globally and locally. Our congregation has an important role in our own neighborhood, and in supporting worldwide gospel outreach. We work with 'Charity on Wheels' in Anaheim, a ministry dedicated to 'caring for the homeless, the sick, and the broken.'
We are a community that is seeking to grow strong in the grace of God and help those around us come to know God's grace.
Our church is a member of the Orthodox Presbyterian Church denomination. The OPC is a denomination committed to following God's word and loving people in God's name.
Our services are a joyful encounter with our great God and Savior. We come each Sunday to be refreshed by the proclamation of the Gospel, and would love to have you experience this with us.
The message of the Gospel is the power to transform us, freeing us to pursue what is good and beautiful in our daily lives. We are committed to proclaiming that good news and bringing it to bear in the hearts and lives of people in Placenta, CA.
In our church you will find people of all ages: newborns, children playing together, teens, college age young adults, singles and families of all ages. Not only that, our congregation is made up of people from all sorts of background. Some of us have grown up in the church, while others came to faith later in life, and still some are just checking us out and looking to learn more. We have no requirements that you must meet to come and visit with us. However, our sincere hope is that you are looking for a fuller knowledge of God, a deeper relationship with His Son, and an authentic community of friends. That is exactly what we offer you if you come!
Our church elders provide leadership to our congregation and shepherd the family of God in spiritual growth. They are also responsible for ensuring that the gospel is proclaimed in truth and in purity, and that the sacraments are faithfully administered.
Mark Jenkins
Mark grew up on the mission field where he learned to love travel and cultures. He is a graduate of Westminster Seminary California. He enjoys cycling, soccer, and hanging out with his wife, Celeste, and their three daughters.
Chris Hartshorn
Regional Home Missionary
Chris is the founding pastor of Resurrection and now works full-time to plant churches in our region and train people to share the good news of Christ's work. He and his wife Megan have two sons and two daughters and can be found every Saturday on almost every sports field in Orange County.
Solomon Thorn
Solomon is a nursing school student with a love for helping people. In his free time he enjoys archery. His favorite Bible verse is 1 Chronicles 28:10.
Resurrection is…
We believe the Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments are sufficient for our spiritual needs, clear to understand, and the final authority for how we ought to live in this life (2 Tim 3:16-17). Therefore we are convinced that the Scriptures must be studied. Above all, though, we believe that the Bible, from Genesis to Revelation, points us to our gracious and merciful Savior Jesus Christ (Luke 24:27). It is for this reason that we love studying the Bible.
We hold to the creeds and confessions of the Ancient and Reformed Church, as we believe they are an accurate and faithful summary of the teachings of Scripture (2 Thes 2:15). As a congregation of the Orthodox Presbyterian Church, we hold to the Westminster Standards, which includes the Confession of Faith and the Larger and Shorter Catechisms. Our creedal and confessional commitments unite us with the church universal, that is, saints down through the ages and around the world (Jude 1:3).
We are governed by a body of elders called by God and elected by the congregation. Jesus, our Chief Shepherd, has appointed under-shepherds to care for His flock until He returns (Eph 4:11-14; 1 Pet 5:1-4). Following the pattern of the Apostolic Church, we are united to other churches in a supportive and collaborative manner (Acts 15:1-4). Our elders serve the denomination regionally through presbyteries and nationally through the annual General Assembly.